The XML Certification Program is for information technology professionals interested in acquiring skills in XML and its related programs. Candidates can certify in 2 ways with the XML certification program. They are the XML root certification programmes and the XML certification programmes at the master level. To date, more than 18,000 people around the world have passed their XML certification exams.
This certification exam costs up to $125 per attempt. This exam fee does not include any discounts or taxes. Local taxes may apply along with the exam, and it depends on the exam centre of the country. Candidates can register for XML programmes at any of their nearby prometric testing centers. Candidates can schedule their exams on the prometric website or in person at an authorised exam center, as they see fit.
As mentioned before, there are 2 methods. They are XML-base and XML-masters. Most XML base programmes will consist of 45 questions, and the time allotted is about 90 minutes. The required pass score for all basic programmes is 70%. Upon successful completion of the core certification, candidates can upgrade to master’s level certification programs. For all master’s certifications, the average number of questions will be 30, and the exam duration will be approximately 90 minutes. The pass score for all master certifications is 80%. Upon successful completion of the exam, candidates will be able to view the results on the website or in prometric testing centres within 2 weeks. Candidates who have passed the exam will receive the XML certification by mail within 4 to 8 weeks from the date of the announcement of the results.
The following are some of the advantages of XML programs, and they are:
1) Candidates certified in XML programmes will be given plastic cards with a logo to aid in their job search.
2) Companies give first preference to XML-certified candidates, and hence, certified candidates will be easily shortlisted if they have mentioned it in their resume.
3) The candidates are guaranteed a salary increase or a change in designation as a result of this certification.
4) XML is the most common programming language used in all companies to run software programs, and therefore, candidates with XML knowledge or with certification can shine in most multinational companies.
The author highly recommends Examskey for all IT certification preparation, such as XML certification exams and XML master certification. Visit us now to get Examskey for free!